Monday 3 August 2015

6 things horse owning has taught me about myself…


So today marks my 6 year anniversary of owning Nixon. Time has quite literally flown by and I can’t remember my life without him. He’s been a huge part of my life. My teacher, therapist, happiness and loyal companion.

Here are 6 things that horse owning has taught me about myself...

1) I am a committed person

Horse owning isn’t something to take lightly. When I was 19 and wanting to party all weekend with my friends I still had to take into consideration looking after Nixon. Equally so PJ days don’t exist and getting out of bed on a dark, cold winter's morning is the worst thing ever.

2) I’m able to love unconditionally
Nixon has broken my wrist and collarbone, head butted me and trod on my toes a number of times, but I love him more and more every day. 

3) To be patient and never ever give up on things I’m passionate about
When I first met Nixon he was scared, nervous, unstable, untrustworthy and misunderstood. Through hours of trust building, praise and hard work he is more relaxed than ever.  There have been many times where I’ve wanted to give up, took one step forward and two steps back, but now he listens when he is scared and gains confidence from me. Patience was key to teach him lessons step by step and wait for the reward.

4) I love the outdoors
Looking after a horse inevitably means spending at least half an hour a day outside, and I love it. There is no better way to start the day than with fresh air! I love to sit in the field and watch the horses graze while I ponder life. I’ve made some life-changing decisions at the yard. 

5) Horses are better therapists that humans

Nixon has always been there for me. He’s always cuddly when I’m down or sad, he’s patient with me when I want time to reflect and he makes me proud. After a ride butterflies whizz around my tummy, the connection between horse and rider is indescribable and cuddles are the best.

6) To always be confident and brave

When I first owned Nixon I was inexperienced with horses, we grew and learnt together. I’ve learnt to take pride in what I do, be confident on the outside even when I’m reluctant on the inside and be brave in my actions even when I’m feeling scared. 

Nixon really has been a blessing in my life and I wouldn’t change what he have and the journey we’ve been through together for anything.

Gemma xx

1 comment:

  1. This is such a lovely post and congratulations on 6 years with Nixon, he's a lovely horse! Whenever I've worked with them they've always been the loveliest animals, I definitely agree with them being the best therapists. - Tasha
