Tuesday 1 November 2016

How To Achieve Your Goals

I like to use the 1st of each month as a mini-fresh start. To reflect on what I achieved in the previous month and take forward lessons learned into the next month. The only way to build a business is to take what you do well and make it even better and take what you didn’t do well and be sure not to do it again!

It has been a month since October’s Balloon Manifestation and I'm now a third of the way into the period I set for achieving some goals. I’ve ticked a few off but if I’m to sit here typing in the first few days of January that I achieved them all it is time to put my 'best foot forward' as they say. After a quick research I noticed that I needed more depth to those big goals of mine.

Make It Visible

Who doesn’t love a notebook of ideas, a vision board or at least a Pinterest board? In order to make dreams more of a reality you need to be able to see them. I’m going to do the latter, the last thing my tiny flat needs is an array of messy vision boards all over the place. After this post is written I will be off to Pinterest to make a secret board for each major goal.

(Don’t) Tell People

A secret board? But a lot of articles say that in order to make dreams work you have to tell people? In fact I’m thinking the opposite. These are very personal goals and I want to work hard on them behind the scenes and then share my success of achieving them.

Set a date

I set multiple goals at the same time for intention of completion over 3 months. I’m finding it a bit difficult to spread myself thinly over each so I will give more effort to each one in a timely manner. For example Goal 1 to be achieved by 16th November, then start goal 2 and achieve this by 30th November (and so on).

Set sub-goals

You know when you have a big overwhelming header, then some sub headers to break it up and make it feel a little more bearable? That is what I need. Small manageable everyday tasks that keep the ball rolling and the momentum flowing.

Set an end result

I’m actually so used to not achieving things that I don’t even set an end result. I feel like things are different this time, I mean look at all this planning I’m doing. For each goal I’m going to specify what will mark that I’ve achieved it, how it would make me feel and how I would celebrate it.

The universe has got this

I’ve done my manifestation, I’ve asked the universe for its help and guidance, I’m going to stay positive and grateful knowing that everything will work out just fine.

As the days get darker and the weather more miserable it’s important to stay focused, keep moving forwards and be successful. Let me know if this has motivated you to set and achieve some goals of your own for the remainder of 2016.

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Instagram: @heelshorseshoes

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