Wednesday 13 August 2014

Time is now...

Time is a funny thing. I think many people are scared of it in various ways. Scared it will go too quickly, scared it will run out, scared it won't go as quickly as they hope. I'm extremely impatient so much of my life is focused around time. I'm learning to be better, to take things as they come and to enjoy the moment - but what I've learnt most of all, is that it is precious. As my boyfriend likes to remind me 'time is the most precious commodity we have - we can never get it back'. People are worried not to rush, not to be too quick, not to make a mistake, but the trouble is these people think they have time.

For those avid followers of my blog you will know that especially in the last year I've been doing lots of firsts to overcome my anxiety. I've done more than I could ever have imagined I could achieve from last year. I'm thinking of what to do next - ideas welcome!

When was the last time you did something for the first time? 


Time is not wasteful
time is unstoppable
time is learning
time is balance
time is getting old
time is healing
time is happiness
time is love
time is being on time
time is the future and how you will spend it
time is not waiting around, waiting for things to happen to you
time is going out and making them happen
time is being selfish
time is being selfless
time is doing everything you've always wanted, before it's too late
time is now.

Gemma xx

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