Wednesday 3 June 2015

25 things I've learnt in 25 years...


So I’m officially knocking on 25’s door. I have never been this aware of turning a new age and I’m currently trying to figure out how I’m not 18 anymore - what happened? 

Anyway here is my list of 25 things I’ve learnt in the last 25 years.

1) I will never be a tidy person - It doesn’t come naturally to me and neither do you miraculously become tidier as you get older.

2) I don’t like tea or coffee - You don’t miraculously start liking it either. I always used to think it was for grown ups, I’m still not there yet.

3) Taste buds do change - always try foods again, I've discovered lots of new loves that i used to hate as a child.

4) Say YES more - New opportunities, the need for change and happiness all come from outside the comfort zone. 

5) There are always opportunities - big or small opportunities 
present themselves to us every day.

6) Happiness isn’t something that can be felt all of the time - it comes and it goes, some days more than others. 

7) Worry is a part of my every day life - pointless anxiety worry to grownup adult worries you just learn to deal with them. 

8) Going to university doesn’t land you a perfect dream job instantly - far from it in fact.

9) My mum really is always right - always has been, always will be and now I actively go to her for advice.

10) People are a lesson or a blessing - I’ve met some really horrible people and they make me appreciate all the lovely people I have in my life.

11) It is harder to lose weight when your older 

12) Count the pennies - I really should have been more careful with my pennies as a student! 

13) I can’t afford a house - but I like dreaming about a house, with a garden, with a lovely big kitchen I’ll probably never cook in 

14) I can’t cook 

15) I have the bestest friends I could ask for - and I don’t have to see them every day, week, month or year for that matter.

16) Friends should not make you feel like you’re in a competition - I feel amazing having ditched the people that didn’t bring anything to my life.

17) 10 O’clock bedtime is amazing 

18) School was certainly not the best days of my life

19) 18 year olds look really young

20) Hangovers get worse

21) Leaving the country to ‘find myself’ got me straight back to where I started - with additions of an awesome boyfriend, friends and memories

22) Travelling & Holidays are an absolute necessity not just a luxury

23) Meditation is the most beautiful thing ever 

24) Having my own business has been the best decision I’ve ever made

25) I always knew what I wanted to do - When I wanted to be a photographer when I grew up I genuinely wanted to be a photographer.

Well here’s to another beautiful 25 years; full of mistakes, tantrums, love, dreams and happiness (Oh and hopefully a perfect beach body).

Gemma xxx

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