Thursday 10 October 2013

I love the person I’ve become, because I fought to become her...


So, where to begin. 

The 'me' sitting here typing this, is a world away from the person I was a year ago. Back then I was really struggling to find any sort of enthusiasm, optimism and most of all happiness. 

In the last year I have made so many changes through professional help and self motivation and for anyone looking for a bit of a ‘pick me up’, I can not recommend Paul Mckenna’s books enough. 

Sometimes you need a harsh realisation that changes need to be made. I found my, I guess what you could call, 'life changing' moment when I read the following...

 I love this quote. It said to me enough is enough, no more self pity, no more hiding, no more watching the world go by, I was going to get up and make things happen. So that is exactly what I have done.

At the time, I was suddenly finding the thought of lots of things really scary. My list of fears was starting to outweigh, and more importantly effect, the things that I enjoyed doing. Three of my main contenders were; crowds of people, heights and feeling confined in a small space. 

So what have I been up to in the last week... I’ve visited London including using three tubes in rush hour ALONE and then I flew to Belfast ALONE!!!!

Ok not a big deal to most people, but I am so proud of myself that I just felt the need to share it, and shout about it! After all, and as I mentioned in a previous post, we are never quick to recognise our own successes. 

I’m absolutely loving trying new things, and challenging myself to do things that before I would have avoided doing at all costs. In reality, when you’re out there doing it, whatever it may be, it is no where near as bad as the picture painted by worry in your mind.

I guess what I'm trying to say is; be brave, be bold, (and most importantly) be whoever you want to be.  

Gemma xx

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